Join the team

Our identity was created with two words in mind: human and joy.

The team is all about being human and empathetic towards others, as well as finding joy in solving problems together.

If you find you care about the same things, we think you’d fit right in!

What we care about

Growth and development

Curiosity is in our nature - we believe in improving ourselves as individuals and as a team. To put that into practice, every team member has a dedicated learning fund to explore their interests.

Spirit of excellence, with kindness

We’re committed to delivering our best work. We learn through our experiments and mistakes because the road to success is not always a perfect, linear path.

Empathy towards others

Being experts in developing empathy with users, we naturally extend empathy by being kind and respectful towards each other.

Open and authentic communication

We value trust and honesty because they enable healthy workplace relationships, productive teammates, and effective collaborations.


Creativity and innovation can take place when people from diverse training and backgrounds come together with shared goals — it makes us better problem solvers.

Joy and fun

Whether we’re listening to our users or designing different products and solutions, we aim to create joyful moments that unite us in our journey. We believe having fun is in the fabric of how we work with each other.

Join the team 55mins
Open positions
We love to meet talented and passionate professionals.

Come say hello.

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